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Shared dreaming

Shared dreaming

Shared dreaming. Dream that is pretty much the same thing as life. It’s our live, yet everything in it is revealed uncovered, undisguised. The people are in their images, the events in the schemes, emotions and feelings – in the sounds, colors and odours.

If you have dreams and you remember them, why would you waste any time?

Have a trip to the sea side and take a dip in the clear green water.

If don’t like it green – then make it cobalt blue! Dare you?

Had a great time this summer? Do you remember all the sensations?

Can you feel the tingles in your skin? Or the intoxicating scent of the aromatic herbs melting in the sunlight? Can you feel the way the wine or brandy, martini, whiskey… or let’s think it big, – alcohol it is! – spreads over your body and jangles your nerves?

That’s it! Relax… Just let it go… Recharge the batteries. Live it up!

Well… Shall we? Sure thing!

It’s not that bad as it seems when one takes the hefty books on psychoanalysis with the popular dream books smashing on one’s head. One delves into this dark pit and comes up tired and exhausted regardless of the amount of time spent.

If you and your unconscious need to get to know each other, the psychoanalytic approach will still be no more than the inaccessible abode. And you’ll be left on your own.

Let’s do it our way. What is the most important thing about it? Practicing! We need the practice, which involves various levels of training in altered states of consciousness.


Magickum. Prophetic dreams and lucid dreaming. Theory and practice. E-books: Amazon | XinXii | Smashwords
Amazon |

Magickum. Prophetic dreams and lucid dreaming. Theory and practice. E-books:
Amazon | XinXii | Smashwords
Amazon |

It is a place where the dreams and magic are entwined and the altered state of consciousness opens the door to another reality.

“Magickum” project of oneironauts.

You will be able to discover the sacred knowledge, travel through times in dreams, enter the dreams of others, heal yourself, find a way out of difficult situations. Receive intuitive clues to solve the problems of life and many, many other… The book includes real-life stories and mystical experiences, records of regressions and reports of oneironauts.

Magiсkum Crossroads of the Worlds Part 1. E-books:
Amazon| XinXii | Smashwords

This book is based on the hypnosis sessions data.

Actual data. Quite mysteriously, the archive of a self-taught hypnotist from the seventies of the previous century passed into the hands of my friend, a certi-fied therapist who applies the progressive hypnosis techniques.

And even more surprising was that the twenty-five years old records were kept for more than eight years, whereas it was relatively recently that the past life regressions were conducted in our country.

The archive was delivered by the girl who found it in the apartment she’d inherited.

It was appended with a detailed note concluded with the words, “The one, who will come across this archive, should continue the regression from the point where I stopped…”

Over a period of four years, more than seventy immersions into the past lives and the lives between lives were conducted.

The results were dazzling. With the permission of the so called “inheritance client”, all the session records, including the archive, were transferred to me.

I have to say the things that happen in the people’s earthly lives are bigger than mysticism and cooler than esoterics. Every step we take is written in the Great Book, every decision is a choice to make, and every event is a case model. When the opportunity arises to de tank and get the 50,000 foot view of the life, one can’t help but agree with E. Cayce, who said,

“Humans are cosmic beings. A lifetime is a brief interlude of learning in an eternal pilgrimage through time and space… “

I wrote this book with the natural artistic imagination, having introduced the characters who belong in the earthly reality. As for the implication of events described in the archive, – well – its value will be shown.

Автор: Виктория Соколова

“Crossroads of the Worlds” One mystical story …

Виктория Соколова

Автор: Виктория Соколова

Виктория Соколова - автор проекта об аналитике сновидений. Автор популярного современного сонника. Аналитик снов, собравший базу данных реализованных сновидений тысяч людей. Провела анализ, структурировала и классифицировала тысячи взаимосвязанных элементов памяти человека, из которых подсознание выстраивает информационные блоки, передавая сигналы человеку во сне. Автор книги "Вещие сны и осознанные сновидения".

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