


Predictions Russia 2024 Prophecy

All prophecies are added in the application in the section of dreams Come true through the tag “Prophecy”. Fortune telling is “guessing” Dreams are information.

Belgorod 2024 – numerous victims

Dream 19.01.24 Joint Affirmation The Future of Russia. 1 plot.

I arrived at the Belgorod bus station from Kursk. In real life, the last time I was there was in 2019. A Volga-type river flows nearby, and there is a bridge over it. Beautiful promenade, people walking. Summer, sunny day. There is a ferry. Without a schedule and old in appearance. People who board the ferry don’t come back. They cross in one direction (!). I have a strong association with Charon. That they swam to the other world. I was shown this story 4 times. Each time I was in different places on the embankment – at the railing or on different benches.

Belgorod – people are escaping and fleeing to the territory of Ukraine

I lived in Kharkiv, and since March 2022 I have been living in Germany. In September, I had a dream that I arrived in Kharkov and saw that rivers of blood flowed and everything dried up and people walk right through this blood. People are running from Belgorod to Kharkov, towards Ukraine, to run out somewhere else, they are escaping, a queue has formed, but they let everyone through.

The paradox of dreams about the future

The paradox of the future in dreams is that people see before the event how it will end. But when an event occurs, experiences and emotions limit foresight by making it easier for dreamers to see subsequent, but not final events. Because fear and expectation cause the vision of future current projections more quickly.

When an event occurs, current future events are seen in dreams right up to the finale…

Therefore, we always monitor and record information about the future that dreamers saw BEFORE the event (dreams about military operations with Ukraine began to arrive from the beginning of 2021). See all about how the military operations on the “Prophecy” tag will end in the application in the section of dreams Come true.

You can see for yourself the future of the country by a special dream affirmation. See the Calendar of Dreams (this must be done at a certain time – it is indicated in the calendar)

Three generations in Russia will participate in military operations

The next plot. Joint Affirmation Is The Future of Russia. Residential area. The city is difficult to define. The houses are abandoned, the windows are covered with chipboard, the entrances are welded. There are no people. There was an idea that people were evicted from houses that were not suitable for living. At the same time, this city is not empty, there are residential areas, shops are open and there is social advertising. More about it.

I saw 3 banners. 1. A gray-haired man in an incomprehensible military uniform. Shoulder-length photos. Very hard look, gray eyes. The uniform is grey, with green and black. It resembles a Russian ceremonial one, but it is not the Russian Federation or NATO. There is a huge screen at the back, with a map of the starry sky on it.

There will be many women serving in the army

2 banner. A woman of 40-45 years old, in the same uniform. She looks like a man, but not his daughter. Her blonde hair is braided and arranged around her head. He salutes with his palm forward. He wears high brown leather gloves. The trousers are tucked into high leather boots. It’s against the background of a control panel of some kind of equipment, there are 2 levers and a joystick-type thing. Probably the steering wheel. There is no chair. Probably, this technique is operated standing up. The floor looks like gray tiles. This is a spaceship in progress (!).

3 banner. A blond guy and a girl. The photo is shoulder-high. A guy in a black field uniform, a girl in a black uniform with red piping. There is a griffin on the emblem. These are the cadets. All the posters have the same inscription in an unfamiliar language: we protect your safety!

This is some kind of newspeak or even a conditional Menwit (alien) – ed: here comes the symbolism of the alien as something previously unknown. A new policy, doctrine, its justification, a new way of life of the nation. The slogan is «all for the protection of security!” Martial law (in fact) for 3 generations.

The feeling of inevitability of what is happening. The time of the year is spring, around the beginning of April. I noticed that the air smells of ozone and metal burning.

Explosions Krasnodar Territory

Good afternoon! Dream for January 18, 2024: I’m in the apartment, the youngest daughter is sleeping in bed. Big windows, it’s night outside. Suddenly rockets start flying, I see these rockets flying into the windows of the next house and exploding there, apartments are on fire. Explosions are heard, I’m very scared, I’m worried about my daughter. I understand that these missiles are already flying into our house, they are hitting the apartment below us, I grab my sleeping daughter and run out into the corridor where there are no windows.

Very scary. I no longer see my daughter in my hands, but a cat that is shedding. I take off her fur (a full palm) and throw it on the floor, and so on several times. I live in the Krasnodar Territory. Editor’s note: the cat’s fur is a symbolism about the child’s condition. It means trying to relieve stress (when the hair is climbing).

The tiger is gone, it has not been defeated

Sleep Late evening, turning into night, my husband and I are in the yard of my deceased grandparents. Beyond the fence of the yard, in the distance ahead, dark clouds seem to be moving across the sky. And there are still a lot of strangers in the yard behind me. The main focus is on the sky. There is a glow of illumination with yellow and purple light.

And Huge figures are clearly outlined – immediately as if from gray clouds, and then as if from lead. Above in the sky there are figures of a Dragon and a Tiger, below in the sky there is a figure of a Crocodile. And the phrase sounds loud. “To absorb the sun, you need to defeat the tiger.” All this sight terrifies all the people who are behind me. I am calm at the same time.

In a dream, there is a clear association of the Dragon is Putin, the Tiger is Zelensky, the Crocodile is Lukashenko. The Dragon and the Crocodile are trying to grab the Sun together. And it’s like it’s already coming in. Then it gets light, and already on the territory of my grandparents’ yard, children’s rubber toys of that very formidable dragon and crocodile are lying on the grass. There was no information about what happened to the tiger.

🔮#Prophecies of all dreams Information is available in the Dream Diary Application in the section “Dreams come true”; Predictions of the future based on information from the dreams of participants of the entire project, see the section of the application “Dreams come true” by tag: “Prophecies” about the future of Russia – 2024, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, world events and the future of Mankind;

The Baltic countries will be even more belligerent
01/20/2023 today I did not make an affirmation for the future of the country, I wanted to see what could restart the relationship. I live in St. Petersburg.

In general, I dream that my family and I went somewhere to the sea to relax. Me, my son, my husband. By the nature of the sea, it is Baltic. And most likely it looks like the Baltic States. We are located in a hotel on the shore. And the company we came with offers to go to a beautiful place for a walk. To the shore. We are going to. We take warm clothes. It’s going to be windy there.

The training camp continues. And then I decide to leave our building and go outside. I open the door and there the square is filled with military (green kamo uniform) and they are campaigning in non-Russian. The crowd of the military responds to them in chorus. I’m closing the door. I got scared and ran back, they say there is such a thing, the military has already gathered… it takes my breath away! And the husband is so calm, he says, don’t worry, we already know. That’s why we’re packing up, we’re going to leave…

So it feels like the Baltic States. Because I noticed the turrets of the castle, and the walls… It looks like Tallinn, but not exactly. And I know for sure that I was on the Baltic coast, not Finland.

What about the refugees from Russia?

The second dream on 01/20/2024 after the affirmation for future events in the Russian Federation: I am in a small group, we are definitely not in Russia, most likely in Europe. We do not have our own house, we are like refugees and here and there we will be modestly fed (at wooden tables similar to camp ones). No one smiles at us anywhere, but it seems as if they are ready to provide us with some kind of overnight accommodation and even entertainment (they took us to some museum-exhibition of modern art, everything is made of wood, straw, resembles the simplest Russian village toys, but somewhere there are plastic ones in the form of bears, suns and others . different colors).

My childhood friend is with me, we share the same views on the war in Ukraine, there are men in our group, I immediately wanted to stay with one side – always silent, tall, strong, about 35 years old, looks good, but he is wearing a camp sweatshirt, and on his head is a female Russian or Ukrainian scarf with fringe. I try to hold on to him. I have a bundle of things with me, but I don’t get them, although my friend asks me to give her a handkerchief, but I refuse her.

All our clothes are gray and only the handkerchief on the man I’m holding is bright, with multicolored flowers (roses or peonies). And we all walk, we walk, but there is no clear understanding where we are going. And around us, we can hear something being said to us in different European languages (as if through a mouthpiece), but we cannot make it out, although we understand that these are some rules, instructions, something organizational.

What will the attempts to “go beyond the system” lead to?

Dream from 01/20/24 Affirmation The Future of Russia. Editor’s note: all information is in symbols.

Summer, the end of June (a symbol of the time – when strawberries ripen in our country). I’m walking down the lane with my late mother and I see that there are cultivated fields around. Wheat, rye, oats, corn, soybeans. There are empty plots. There, the earth seems to be melted, in some places covered with white scabs. Where the scab is, it falls through before our eyes. It is clear that nothing can grow there. There are few such sites. They are not fenced, just left.

On the road we meet my classmate Lena F. I’ve never been very friendly with her. Lena tells me – I do not support the Kings (these are those comrades from the banners from yesterday’s dream. Editor’s note. Kings are the current management system in Russia) and I don’t want to live by their rules. We have our own community, I invite you to join us.

I didn’t invite my mother. Mom and I exchanged glances. Mom says, well, go and see how they live. She returned to the village, and I went with Lena.

In short, we came to a huge tent city! Right in an open field, on an abandoned land with growths and sinkholes. It looked like either a gypsy camp or a refugee camp. Motley tents, canopies, garbage flying, clothes drying, children running around, immediately cooking on bonfires and primuses. Almost all of them are in cars.

I didn’t like this place very much. Lena is crucified – we do not want to live by imposed rules, we are for complete freedom! I understand that if there is a fire, then the Khan’s camp. Then there is a long and detailed conversation about what Lena and her friends did not like about the Kings.

Briefly the essence. They have been at war with the Gara race for many centuries. They’re like intelligent ants. Gara has a collective mind and they like to “help” undeveloped planets like Earth. In fact, this is an ordinary struggle for resources. But if the totalitarian Nord Kings do not hide their military expansion and their interests, then Gara subordinates the regions through manipulation – under the guise of caring for spiritual growth and progress.

In short, the Kings built a military base on Earth and expelled the Garou along with their technology. The Internet has collapsed on Earth, but not all of it. People began to be checked for contacts with Gara. This point was not specified. Those who were not loyal were offered to move to reservations in order to live according to the laws of Gara, which they did not really tell the earthlings). Some left on their own, like Lena.

I listened to all this and realized that nothing had changed for me personally under the Kings. While this story was going on, a fire started in the camp. The fire spread instantly. Cars and fuel tanks exploded. Lena ran screaming to save her things, and I went back. A column of smoke was visible above the field. The camp burned down.

Unsuccessful attempts to recruit young people for confrontation

Dream from 01/19/2024 Affirmation The Future of Russia for 2024 Russia, Orsk, Orenburg region. I’m watching footage of several shows at once in my sleep, and I don’t even know what I’m watching them on: TV or phone. In these shots, it is mostly dark, young guys in black clothes, they run away, and they are caught. And a man’s voice tells me: “Terrorists, they are 14 years old.” And at that moment, I have a thought in my head:”Recruited through social networks”

Dream from 01/20/2024 Aff. The Future of Russia for 2024 Russia, Orsk, Orenburg region

I’m in the city, it’s early spring outside and I see armed men in one of the houses. They try to aim at others, but they can’t shoot (I don’t know why), then I see a lot of other men who kick them out, but at the same time there is an ordinary peaceful life going on around.

According to my dreams, I concluded that during this year there will be some local situations in the country, but at the same time they will be suppressed without harm to other civilians.

Russia and Ukraine – we are now forever separated by a blank wall

19.01.2024 Affirmation The Future of Russia. I live in Moscow. I am a man in a gray-blue business suit, gray-haired, a little overweight, and I see him sideways all the time: he is always next to me on the right (his left hand). And he looks like Putin, only fuller. His younger son decided to secretly conclude a wedding agreement and fled far away, somewhere to the western border.

The bride is not visible in the dream. But I also see my son sideways, in a blue suit, short, black-haired. And so we are chasing our son, we want to catch up with him. But at the same time, this man has an older daughter. And I know that she is probably about 60 years old and with a wrinkled face, very thin and short black hair — I see her as if in my mind. And this daughter doesn’t want her brother to get anything. She’s chasing her little brother too, and she’s ahead of us. We can’t catch up with her in any way.

In her quest to enrich herself, she kills along the way, many corpses remain. And she takes the money from these corpses for herself and puts it into her account. And she’s very angry. We’ve been chasing for a long time, across the country. And we found ourselves at the border-I understand that the border is nearby. We are in a new beautiful large two-storey house on the second floor. It’s strict, clean, official, nothing superfluous. On the left is a sofa (like black leather), in front of it is a long solid table made of expensive wood of a beautiful dark brown color and slightly shiny. And the chair on the other side of the table, right at the beginning.

Such a purely masculine setting. We are standing in this living room with a man. He’s right next to me again. And there is a huge panoramic window to our right. His son has slipped away again, and now he is very far away. I understand that it is almost impossible to get there – in addition to the plane, you need to find ways to get there on crosswalks, it’s some kind of wilderness.

But now his son is not sure that they will want to sign a wedding contract with him. And at the beginning of the table there is a folder with documents and a man in a business suit is standing next to him, he brought these documents for signature. And for some reason at this moment I have thoughts that these are divorce papers and they need to be signed. They signed the divorce papers.

But we finally caught up with the man’s eldest daughter. She’s sitting on a chair in front of us, slightly sideways. We ask her why she was so cruel, killed, brought so much grief. And she replies that she had a dream: she really wanted to have the most expensive and fancy car, and immediately invested all the money in this car. And above her head, in a cloud, I see her dream car: light sand, shiny, with lots of chrome parts, incredibly expensive. And she won’t own it anymore.

And so she, the daughter, turns her head to us with the left side, and I see the left half of her face: she is completely burned and disfigured. Then she smiles bitterly and angrily and turns her face away and I see the right side of her face, and I just freeze in surprise. The right half of the face is young, fresh, and beautiful.

Editor’s note: part of the face is burned – this is what was done to Ukraine. Part of the face is young and beautiful – her new life.

I look away and look out the window: behind it you can see that the house stands in the fields (they are mowed and withered yellow), and beyond the field, right in front of the house and into the distance, there is a dense green forest. And I understand that this is a boundary.

And it’s a little gloomy and it’s raining, but it’s not a downpour. The feeling of rain is cleansing. I ask the man, how is it with my son? He thinks that we should probably follow him, catch up. And I think: is it necessary?

The son looks like Zelensky in a suit, he used to wear such a suit. And the understanding that he is far across the ocean and will not return. The man next to him is a complete association with Putin. In the beginning, it was a little confusing that he was full. But manners, behavior- that’s him. The country – it felt like it was a long flight by plane to this border, and we were moving west, to the western part of Ukraine, to the Carpathians. And from home there is a feeling of Finnish, Scandinavian. And the nature around the house has the same feeling, from the grandeur and order of the forest. And the fact that the steppe and the forest at once…

And the feelings at the end: calm, a little sad, and now we are forever separated by a blank wall

If you have any questions, write them in the comments to this article! You will receive an answer within 24 hours. Below on the page after the article in the carousel are the real stories of the project participants

How to see the future for yourself — Buy the book for prophetic dreams

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Виктория Соколова

Автор: Виктория Соколова

Виктория Соколова - автор проекта об аналитике сновидений. Автор популярного современного сонника. Аналитик снов, собравший базу данных реализованных сновидений тысяч людей. Провела анализ, структурировала и классифицировала тысячи взаимосвязанных элементов памяти человека, из которых подсознание выстраивает информационные блоки, передавая сигналы человеку во сне. Автор книги "Вещие сны и осознанные сновидения".


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