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The Magickum Sport Fortune blog

The Magickum Sport Fortune blog


1 sports event

This fortune sport blog is updated daily with the aim of making affirmations on a chosen team that will be playing the very next day. To see results in our dreams, affirmation will be made before going to bed, with the aim of seeing the results (the score) in our dreams.

Attention! Look for an active affirmation on Magickum’s BLOG!

The blog will also be updated daily with some basic information such as which teams will be playing, the time and date of the event.

No matter the number of active affirmations made on that day, you can still use the Magickum Sport Fortune affirmation.You can train your perception with different tasks at the same time because story of dreams after sport fortune affirmation will be compactable.

What will our dream consist of? In our dream we will be looking at the results of the forthcoming event — the scores and the winners.

The results and classification of the event will be based on a chronological order in the dream.This could be in the sequence of numbers or a numerical value you saw in your dream.

I do accept suggestion about forthcoming events.

To suggest, please leave in the comment section: the name of the event (game) and information about it (the time and date of the event, its participants).

This has to be done 24 hours prior to the event. (Preferable if sent days before).
(Example: If you want to suggest a game taking place the next day, please send your request before 12 pm prior to the event happening the next day.)

Also to join us in the affirmation of «Sport fortune», please leave a comment with text of affirmation and your name.

Please send your story of dream before 12 pm next day after a night of action affirmation.

Time zone: Moscow.

sports event

25 Мар 19:00 EAT Фарерские о-ва   v   Лихтенштейн

Attention! Look for an active affirmation on Magickum’s BLOG!


Magickum. Prophetic dreams and lucid dreaming. Theory and practice. E-books: Amazon | XinXii | Smashwords
Amazon |

Magickum. Prophetic dreams and lucid dreaming. Theory and practice. E-books:
Amazon | XinXii | Smashwords
Amazon |

It is a place where the dreams and magic are entwined and the altered state of consciousness opens the door to another reality.

«Magickum» project of oneironauts.

You will be able to discover the sacred knowledge, travel through times in dreams, enter the dreams of others, heal yourself, find a way out of difficult situations. Receive intuitive clues to solve the problems of life and many, many other… The book includes real-life stories and mystical experiences, records of regressions and reports of oneironauts.

Magiсkum Crossroads of the Worlds Part 1. E-books:
Amazon| XinXii | Smashwords

This book is based on the hypnosis sessions data.

Actual data. Quite mysteriously, the archive of a self-taught hypnotist from the seventies of the previous century passed into the hands of my friend, a certi-fied therapist who applies the progressive hypnosis techniques.

And even more surprising was that the twenty-five years old records were kept for more than eight years, whereas it was relatively recently that the past life regressions were conducted in our country.

Виктория Соколова

Автор: Виктория Соколова

Виктория Соколова - автор проекта об аналитике сновидений. Автор популярного современного сонника. Аналитик снов, собравший базу данных реализованных сновидений тысяч людей. Провела анализ, структурировала и классифицировала тысячи взаимосвязанных элементов памяти человека, из которых подсознание выстраивает информационные блоки, передавая сигналы человеку во сне. Автор книги "Вещие сны и осознанные сновидения".

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