
What does a woman in dreams mean, spiritual meaning of a woman in a dream

What does a woman in dreams mean, spiritual meaning of a woman in a dream

What does a woman in dreams mean, spiritual meaning of a woman in a dream

The main meaning of the symbol «woman in a dream» is a woman. That is, a certain real woman or her aspect.

Oddly enough, emotions, feelings, and sensations carry a significant information load in dreams. Behavior, manners, words, any feelings and sensations that come from a woman in a dream — all this can happen again in a real life situation. And so the relationship with a particular character or events in the life of the woman you saw can be «visible».

If you saw a woman in a dream, the most important factor is to determine her involvement with you. That is: familiar, unfamiliar, alien.

An acquaintance. If the woman is familiar, the dream may indicate events in her life. In this case, you will witness the events of the dream plot. That is, there will be no interactions between you in a dream.

The second option is events that concern both of you. In this case (and in a dream), communication, interactions, contacts, conversations will take place between you, even any signs of verbal communication count. By analogy, there will be an identical connection in real life. Here, when interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account the «scheme of the event» of the dream.

If the dream character is from a very distant past, the interpretation of a «person from the past» or an ex is appropriate. See it in the dream book separately.

Strange women.

There are two possible interpretations. The first is that the emotional and sensual sphere is symbolically reflected in dreams — this is the so-called «emotional aspect of personality». Most often, they characterize «affairs of the heart», feminine character traits or manifestations of character «like a woman», «feminine» — if they manifest themselves in a man in a dream. For example: when a man has the features of a woman, is dressed or behaves like a woman in a dream.

The second option. Unfamiliar women in dreams can mean a real person whom you have not yet (at the time of sleep) met, that is, the woman is unknown because she is still unknown, but will be known in the future.

If the stranger in such a dream was pleasant and beautiful, then everything will be fine. The person will also be pleasant to you in some ways.

Pleasant, endearing, beautiful women in dreams mean good news, news, often pleasant meetings and a good time. That is, everything here is also a rule of interpretation of dreams: emotions are not encoded into symbols and the sensations of communication and meeting with a woman will be the same in reality.

A strange woman. If there was an understanding in a dream that a woman is a stranger, she is also a «stranger» in life.

Now the decoding of some sets of symbols.

Dwarf women are rudimentary relationships, denied inner emotions and feelings.

Tall women are a symbol of status and position, sometimes the strength and energy of a particular woman is still «visible».

Strong women in dreams symbolically show the strength of character, abilities and opportunities.

If a man has become a woman in a dream, the dream means that his feminine character traits prevail over his masculine ones.

Your woman’s wedding to another man in a dream means that she has big changes in her life and most likely she will not be up to you.

Looking for, calling a woman in a dream when she turns away from you, turns her back, throws, leaves you means that your relationship will be upset. Such gestures or postures symbolically reflect a lack of understanding and support, as well as the intention and desire to leave you.

To run, to catch up with a woman in a dream — to chase the past, the desire to return the relationship.

Running after or away from a woman in a dream

Running after a stranger is a desire to meet a loved one, to be loved. If, of course, in such a dream there was an understanding that you were running after your beloved.

Running away from a woman means that you are afraid of disappointments in love and relationships. Although, if a woman is an acquaintance or a prototype of an acquaintance in a dream, then rather you deliberately run away from communication or a relationship with her in reality.

All the emotions that you will see or feel in your dream coming from a woman

mean themselves. For example, a woman’s indifference in a dream means the same thing in reality — the cooling of her feelings for you, lack of interest.

Anger is dissatisfaction with your actions that go against her expectations.

Joy is a good attitude towards you, a desire to communicate with you.

The smile of a woman in a dream — to the joyful news from her.

If a woman looks into your eyes in a dream, sleep means sincerity, a desire to open up to you. And the look itself means attitude, trust, contact (mental and emotional). That is, what is in the look, is in the soul, the feelings of a person. And in dreams, you can know and understand everything without words — in the form of pure information.

If your woman is pale in a dream, looks bad or is beaten, injured, sleep leads to bad changes and troubles. First of all, they will touch her, but you will also worry a lot.

A woman in the blood dreams of illness, severe stress, an accident.

A woman who is attracted to another man in a dream

means that your subconscious indicates cautiously that you need to devote more time to her. Switch her attention to yourself, otherwise not only the thoughts that you thus «spied» in a dream, but also the actions will be repeated in life. In general, such a dream can show her real infatuation with someone. It is worth dividing business interest and passion. This is usually seen in a dream.

Kissing in a dream

if you kissed her yourself, is for love, and mutual. A lot depends on whether the kiss was pleasant to you in a dream. If so, the relationship will be harmonious and bring you joy. If not, the relationship will disappoint you. Read more about the symbol of kissing in dreams in the dream book.

Quarrels, swearing and fights in dreams with your woman lead to rapprochement and reconciliation. But such dreams usually occur in cases when there were tense moments in the relationship, disagreements and quarrels. If everything was fine in the relationship the day before, then quarrels and a fight may mean some conflicts and proceedings between you.

Ugly, sick women or women with some flaws

Unpleasant strangers, can symbolize troubles and worries, bad news, failures. The essence of such characters in dreams is that «women» will actually participate in some situation in life. And emotional perception, as well as their appearance, is your vision of how people act in a certain situation. Usually ugly people in some ways are those who act ugly. Therefore, in dreams they look flawed and cause repulsive impressions.

Read about sex with a woman separately in the dream book. This symbol has many aspects.

A drunk woman (acquaintance) in a dream means that she is in a strong emotional shock. The reason must be determined by the plot of the dream. Usually in such dreams there are always accompanying symbols — hints.

Jealousy of a woman, cheating in a dream is a separate story. See the article «Cheating in dreams».

Being jealous of your woman in a dream is the same as the fear of losing a loved one. Fear, not real loss.

Dancing with a woman in a dream leads to a relationship with her. Like dancing, so are relationships. In such dreams, the nature of the dance determines the nature of the relationship. Tango — emotions, Latin dances — passion, sex, waltz — feelings and so on.

If you see a wedding ring on a woman’s hand in a dream, she has a connection with someone.

To call a woman, to make phone calls, to talk on the phone, to receive messages or SMS — to the desire to communicate, to try to talk, to find out the relationship. See the «Call, Phone» symbol.

A beloved woman in a dream

For men and partners. A beloved woman in a dream can dream often. The mental world of dreams best reflects our feelings and thoughts. And first of all, of course, the most intrusive ones. The more you think about a person in real life, the more often you can see them in your dreams. Therefore, it is better to learn to distinguish in such periods of delusion whether a dream has a symbolic meaning, or you just met the subject of your feelings and thoughts once again at a different level of your consciousness.

So, if you just «crossed paths», the dream is a continuation of the thoughts and desires of your reality. In such dreams, you can find out exactly how a woman treats you and how she feels.

If your dream had a plot and actions, the dream should be deciphered according to the dream book.

How to see the future for yourself — Buy the book for prophetic dreams

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