
Lucid dreaming. It is a place where the dreams and magic are entwined and the altered state of consciousness opens the door to another reality.

«Magickum» project of oneironauts.

You will be able to discover the sacred knowledge, travel through times in dreams, enter the dreams of others.

… heal yourself, find a way out of difficult situations, receive intuitive clues to solve the problems of life and many, many other … The book includes real-life stories and mystical experiences, records of regressions and reports of oneironauts. The archive was delivered by the girl who found it in the apartment she’d inherited. It was appended with a detailed note concluded with the words.

«The one, who will come across this archive, should continue the regression from the point where I stopped…»
Over a period of four years, more than seventy immersions into the past lives and the lives between lives were conducted.

The Magickum Sport Fortune blog

The Magickum Sport Fortune blog

This fortune sport blog is updated daily with the aim of making affirmations on a chosen team that will be playing the very next day. To see results in our dreams, affirmation will be made before going to bed, with the aim of seeing the results (the score) in our dreams. Attention! Look for an [...]

Shared dreaming

Shared dreaming

Shared dreaming. Dream that is pretty much the same thing as life. It’s our live, yet everything in it is revealed uncovered, undisguised. The people are in their images, the events in the schemes, emotions and feelings - in the ...

Prophetic dreams I am your obsession

Prophetic dreams I am your obsession

Prophetic dreams "I am your obsession". My friend and I were driving in the car in silence. It’s strange. Talking is his meat and drink. And now he’s silent. Did he sew up his mouth? No. Hardly... Smoking with one’s mouth sewn up is rather inconvenient...
